Lesson 6.1

Honoring Agency While Influencing Behavior

DI Trainer and associates

Lesson Preparation

Before coming to your training, please do the following:


Lesson Preview

Agency is crucial to our well-being, progress, and happiness. It can be difficult to find ways to influence associates’ behavior while honoring their agency. This lesson will help you: (1) recognize the significance of each person’s agency in God’s plan of salvation; (2) recognize the value of participatory and directive leadership; and (3) effectively apply participatory and directive leadership with associates. As you seek to understand the core principles of leadership and agency, you will become a more effective leader, helping your associates to experience growth and joy in their lives.

Recognizing the Significance of Agency

From the following list, choose and complete one or more activities that best apply to your situation.

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Activity 1

Read the following quotes about the importance of agency in God’s plan:

“Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy” (2 Nephi 2:25).

“Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself” (2 Nephi 2:16).

“Man’s greatest endowment in mortal life is the power of choice—the divine gift of free agency. No true character was ever developed without a sense of soul freedom” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: David O. McKay [2011], 206).

As a group, discuss:

  • How does agency promote progress, bring joy, and develop true character?
  • How does agency relate to hope, joy, and self-reliance?
  • What questions do you have about how agency relates to hope, joy, and self-reliance?
  • What statements, policies, and procedures currently exist at Deseret Industries that are meant to help associates exercise their agency and become self-reliant?
  • Why is it critical for you to honor associates’ agency?
  • When have you been tempted to not honor associates’ agency?
  • What do you do to encourage associates to use their agency?
  • What questions do you have about how to honor associates’ agency?

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Activity 2

President Monson stated:

“Let us work for what we need. Let us be self-reliant and independent. Salvation can be obtained on no other principle” (Thomas S. Monson, “Guiding Principles of Personal and Family Welfare,” Ensign, Sept. 1986, 3; quoting Marion G. Romney in Conference Report, Oct. 1976, 167).

As a group, discuss:

  • What is the relationship between agency, self-reliance, and salvation?
  • How have you seen the truthfulness of this principle as you have worked with associates?
  • How can you honor associates’ agency while helping them become self-reliant and progress toward salvation?
  • What have you done to honor associates’ agency, especially when tempted not to do so?
  • What DI policies remind or encourage you to recognize and honor associates’ agency?
  • Why is it critical that a job coach trainer and other staff honor an associate’s agency?

Individually, take a minute to ponder:

  • How can you convey the importance of agency to an associate, especially if he or she is easily influenced?

Divide into pairs and role-play explaining the significance of agency to an associate, particularly regarding his or her temporal well-being.

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Activity 3

Review the following criteria for the first pay increase:

“This increase requires at least 30 days enrollment with ownership and active participation in their results and development plan. The increase may be delayed until the associate is actively participating. The job coach trainer initiates the increase by informing the development counselor who then completes an Employee Action Form for the store manager for approval” (Deseret Industries Operations Guide, Development Section, 2–35).

As a group, discuss:

  • What role does agency play in this policy?
  • Why is it crucial that associates learn about agency and how to properly use it?
  • What are some effective ways to teach associates about agency?
  • What have you done to honor associates’ agency?
  • What results have you seen as associates learn about and start more effectively using their agency?

Divide into pairs and role-play explaining the above policy to an associate who qualifies for a raise. Emphasize that properly using agency will help them become better employees and increase their chances of becoming self-reliant.

Recognizing the Value of Directive and Participative Leadership

From the following list, choose and complete one or more activities that best apply to your situation.

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Activity 1

As a group, review Elder Neal A. Maxwell’s essay on the three styles of leadership. Write the main points of each style on the board.

Then, discuss:

  • Why is it important to be aware of these three styles of leadership?
  • In your job, when is it appropriate to use directive leadership? Name and discuss three to five examples.
  • How can you effectively apply directive leadership with associates? Share a few examples.
  • In your job, when is it appropriate to use participative leadership? Name and discuss three to five examples.
  • How can you effectively apply participative leadership with associates? Share a few examples.
  • What principles should you remember when applying both directive and participative leadership with associates? Discuss two to three principles.
  • What questions do you have about directive and participatory leadership?
  • What insights have you gained about directive and participatory leadership?
  • What would you like to work on (or more effectively apply) as a result of this activity?

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Activity 2

As a group, review Elder Neal A. Maxwell’s essay on the three styles of leadership.

Divide into small groups. The facilitator will give you markers and a poster board and then assign each group the topic of either directive leadership or participative leadership, with the exception of one group, which will act as a judge panel.

Each group will use its poster board to explain its assigned type of leadership using text, graphs, etc. You will have five minutes to accomplish your task. The facilitator will let you know when to start and when to stop.

When the time is up, each group will come forward and present its poster board. The panel will choose the best poster based on clarity, originality, presentation, and accuracy in representing the leadership style as described by Elder Maxwell.

As a group, discuss:

  • How have you seen directive leadership effectively applied? Describe the situation, explain how directive leadership was used, and how it affected the associate.
  • How have you seen participative leadership effectively applied? Describe the situation, explain how participative leadership was used, and how it affected the associate.
  • What questions do you have about directive and participatory leadership?
  • What insights have you gained about directive and participatory leadership?

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Activity 3

As a group, review Elder Neal A. Maxwell’s essay on the three styles of leadership.

Divide the class in half. One half will discuss:

  • What is directive leadership?
  • When is it appropriate to apply directive leadership?
  • When is it inappropriate to apply directive leadership?
  • What are some appropriate ways to apply directive leadership?
  • What are some inappropriate ways to apply directive leadership?

The other half of the class should discuss the above questions about participative leadership.

Each group will then prepare three short role-plays about the type of leadership they discussed. The role-plays will depict:

  • Two appropriate times or ways to apply directive/participative leadership.
  • One inappropriate time or way to apply directive/participative leadership.

As a group, discuss:

  • When might you use both directive and participatory leadership? Explain.
  • What questions do you have about directive and participatory leadership?
  • What insights have you gained about directive and participatory leadership?
  • What would you like to work on (or more effectively apply) as a result of this activity?

Applying Directive and Participatory Leadership

From the following list, choose and complete one or more activities that best apply to your situation.

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Activity 1

When an associate is hired at DI, he or she initials the following statement and signs a work agreement:

“I agree to comply with all current policies, procedures, processes, and standards of Deseret Industries and the Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” (Offer of Employment/Statements of Understanding form, Deseret Industries Operations Guide).

As a group, discuss:

  • How does a DI associate’s agency relate to this agreement?
  • What are some of the policies and standards that we expect all DI employees to follow?
  • Is there a conflict between the above agreement and an associate’s agency? an associate’s ability to grow and become self-reliant? Explain.
  • How do you manage the relationship between the above agreement and an associate’s agency and goals for becoming self-reliant?
  • How can you use directive and participative leadership to manage what associates are required to do while also letting them use their agency and feel a sense of ownership at work?

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Activity 2

Individually, ponder:

  • How can directive and participatory leadership help to create an environment where you can honor associates’ agency while also influencing them to become more responsible at work?
  • How can you effectively use these two types of leadership while still honoring associates’ agency and sense of ownership?
  • Think of a current situation with a specific associate in which using participatory and/or directive leadership could help.

Write your impressions in your learner’s journal. After everyone has had time to ponder, share your insights from the first two questions.

Divide into pairs, and share the situation you thought about for the third question. Discuss ways to effectively apply participatory and directive leadership when addressing the situation. Role-play the scenario in which you would use what you have discussed to help the associate resolve this particular issue. Receive feedback from your partner and switch roles.

Regroup with all attendees. Discuss questions or insights you have gained during this activity.

Ponder and Plan

“What Lack I Yet?”

Seek to identify a personal or business gap or need.

Spend a few minutes silently pondering what you've discussed during this lesson. Listen as the Holy Ghost helps you identify areas where you can improve. Record your impressions in your learner's journal under the question “What Lack I Yet?”

“What Must I Do?”

Seek ways to close the gap or develop the required talent(s) to meet the need.

With the guidance of the Spirit, create your plan of how you will improve and close the gap(s) you have identified. You may use one or more of the exercises below, your own strategy, or a combination of both. Record this plan in your learner's journal under “What Must I Do?”

  • Think about how you honor associates’ agency. Make a goal to find one way to better honor associates’ agency.
  • Take time throughout the week to explain to associates the role of agency in their progress. Explain positive consequences (rewards, salary increases, etc.) in terms of them properly using their agency, and show how this can help them progress toward their goals at work and in other areas of their lives.
  • Review Elder Neal A. Maxwell’s essay on the three styles of leadership. Set a goal to more effectively use participatory and directive leadership with your associates. Follow up with another job coach trainer or development counselor on your progress with these two styles of leadership.

After a few minutes, those who are comfortable doing so can share their impressions with the group.

“Therefore, What?”

Seek understanding, and then share what you learned.

During the week, focus on implementing the plan you created. Record your impressions or lessons learned in your learner's journal under “Therefore, What?” You will be given time at the beginning of next week's lesson to share your experience with the group.

Elder David A. Bednar

“As sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father, we have been blessed with the gift of moral agency, the capacity for independent action and choice. Endowed with agency, you and I are agents, and we primarily are to act and not just to be acted upon.”

David A. Bednar, “And Nothing Shall Offend Them,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2006, 90

Additional Study Material

Neal A. Maxwell, “Free to Choose” (Brigham Young University devotional, Mar. 16, 2004), speeches.byu.edu

David A. Bednar, “Leading Like the Savior and Building Capability,” Leadership Enrichment Series, Feb. 24, 2010

Read and ponder the following sections:

  • Lead Like the Savior: The Savior Embodies All We Yearn to Become
  • Build Capability in Others

Jeffrey R. Holland, “Leading as the Savior Would Lead,” Leadership Enrichment Series, Nov. 9, 2001

Read and ponder the following sections:

  • The Savior’s Leadership Characteristics
  • People First: Reproof Betimes
  • Most Powerful Leadership Lesson
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