Lesson 1.2

Maintaining a Clear Focus

Lesson Preparation

Before coming to your training, please do the following:


Lesson Preview

Associates who maintain their focus during their journey at Deseret Industries will achieve their end goal more easily. The first meeting between a job coach trainer and a new associate can help associates gain that focus from the very start. Effective first meetings require careful planning. However, maintaining a clear focus on your end goal can be difficult at times. By practicing a few basic techniques, you and your associates will be able to maintain a clear focus on what matters most.

The Importance of Clear Focus

From the following list, choose and complete one or more activities that best apply to your situation.

Group Icon
Activity 1

Look at the following image:

Read 1 Corinthians 13:12.

As a group, discuss your answers to the following questions:

  • How do the photo and the scripture relate to new associates?
  • How do Deseret Employment staff members help new associates align their focus with the goals of Deseret Employment?
  • Why is it important for new associates to have a clear focus?

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Activity 2

Discuss this question as a group:

  • What should a new associate be focused on while working at Deseret Employment?

As people respond, write their thoughts on the board.

After brainstorming for a few minutes, narrow the list down, and create one clear statement about focus.

Here are a few examples of clear statements about focus:

  • Associates must see Deseret Employment as a stepping-stone to bigger and better things.
  • Associates must understand that their work at Deseret Employment will be temporary because Deseret Employment staff members' efforts are focused on helping associates believe in themselves, become self-reliant, and learn skills and behaviors that will help them acquire a better job.
  • Associates must recognize that they are responsible for creating and successfully carrying out a development plan from the day they start at Deseret Employment until the day they leave.

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Activity 3

Divide into small groups, and share experiences you have had with past associates who had a clear focus throughout their employment or who did not and who faced struggles because of this. Share any lessons you learned while helping the associates.

After sharing your experiences in your groups, come back together to discuss what you learned.

The First Meeting with a New Associate: What to Include

From the following list, choose and complete one or more activities that best apply to your situation.(The first three activities can build on each other if done in order.)

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Activity 1

On a piece of paper, write the topics you typically cover during the first meeting with a new associate. Find a partner, and compare your lists.

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Activity 2

Divide into small groups. In each group, discuss situations in which an associate who you are currently working with is having difficulties maintaining a clear focus on his or her goals. Do not share the associate's name or any other revealing details about the associate. Only share general information. After each group member has explained his or her situation, other group members should suggest some ways to help the associate become more focused on his or her goals. Allow each group member to share a situation.

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Activity 3

On the board, draw a vertical line. At the top of the left side, write Obstacles. At the top of the right side, write Solutions.

Discuss the following question:

  • As a job coach trainer, what can cause you to lose your focus?

On the left side of the board, make a list of the group's answers.

Once you have a list of obstacles, discuss the following question:

  • What have you done in the past to help you regain your focus?

On the right side of the board, make a list of the group's answers.

Ponder and Plan

When a job coach trainer clearly describes what the Deseret Employment experience will be like, the new associate will know what is expected of him or her. Having that knowledge can help him or her maintain a clear focus.

“What Lack I Yet?”

Seek to identify a personal or business gap or need.

Spend a few minutes silently pondering what you've discussed during this lesson. Listen as the Holy Ghost helps you identify areas where you can improve. Record your impressions in your journal under the question “What Lack I Yet?”

“What Must I Do?”

Seek ways to close the gap or develop the required talent(s) to meet the need.

With the guidance of the Spirit, create your plan of how you will improve and close the gap(s) you have identified. You may use one or more of the exercises below, your own strategy, or a combination of both. Record this plan in your journal under “What Must I Do?”

  1. 1 After you conduct a first meeting with a new associate, write down what you thought went well and what you could improve. Consider what you could do different in subsequent first meetings with new associates.
  2. 2 Share an experience with a member of the group about something an associate did that helped sharpen his or her focus.

After a few minutes, those who are comfortable doing so can share their impressions with the group.

“Therefore, What?”

Seek understanding, and then share what you learned.

During the week, focus on implementing the plan you created. Record your impressions or lessons learned in your journal under “Therefore, What?” You will be given time at the beginning of next week's lesson to share your experience with the group.

“It is easy to become distracted... [But] in spite of distractions, wherever they may come from, we [should] not lose focus on what matters most”.

“We Are Doing a Great Work and Cannot Come Down,” Ensign, May 2009, 62