Go to Employment

The Employment section allows you to view information regarding previous employment, release, placement, and program history.

Although you will not be able to add or edit any of the fields in this section, you might find this information useful.

To go to employment information:

  1. 1 Do one of the following:
    • a. Scroll down and click on the Employment section heading to expand it.
    • b. Click on the Employment section in the hamburger menu.
  2. 2 If needed, scroll down the Case screen to view the section’s information.
  3. 3 View the employment information displayed. The information is divided into four sections:
    • Previous Employment
    • Release Information
    • Placement Information
    • Program History

Note that the fields in this section have lock icons. This means that you may view but not edit this information.

Group Icon

Go to Employment

Complete the tasks listed below in the training system. When you finish, return to this training page and move to the next task.

  • Go to the Employment section of an associate’s case.
  • View any details listed about the associate’s previous employment, release, placement, and program history.