View a Particular Sticky Note

To view a particular sticky note:

  1. 1 Go to the Sticky Notes section of an associate’s case.
  2. 2 Do one of the following:
    • a. Double-click on the Description field of the sticky note you wish to view.
    • b. Double-click to the left of the Type field of the sticky note you wish to view.
    Note: To view a particular sticky note, do not click on the blue hyperlink. Clicking on this hyperlink will take you to a description of the type of classification you selected. For example, if you click on the Classification Type ("Behavior" in this case), you will see the following screen, which contains a description of it: If you end up on this screen, click on the close icon to go back to the main Case screen. Once you have double-clicked on either the Description field or to the left of the Type field, DECM will show you detailed information about the sticky note (see example below).
  3. 3 Click on either the browser's back icon or the case’s name to return to the main Case screen.

Group Icon

View a Particular Sticky Note

Complete the tasks listed below in the training system. When you finish, return to this training page, and move to the next task.

  • Go to the Sticky Notes section of an associate's case.
  • Open a specific sticky note and look at the completed fields.