View and Navigate an AWARE Form

View a Particular AWARE Form

There may be times when you want to see more information about a particular AWARE form or you need to reopen one to finish rating behaviors.

To view a particular AWARE form:

  1. 1 Go to the Milestones and Action Steps section of the case and scroll down to see the AWARE table.
  2. 2 Find the AWARE form you wish to see.
  3. 3 Click on the AWARE form’s name.

Navigate an AWARE Form

The following will help you navigate an AWARE form:

  1. 1 Browse through the AWARE behavior competencies to find the information you need. You may browse in three ways:
    • a. Click the hamburger menu to display a list of the AWARE form competencies. Just like in a Case screen, the hamburger menu allows you to quickly go to a particular section (or competency) of the AWARE form.
    • b. Scroll up and down the AWARE screen.
    • c. Collapse and expand desired sections. To expand or collapse a section, click the blue triangle beside it (just as you do on the Case screen).
  2. 2 Find a competency’s summary. Look for a competency summary score (directly below the competency heading).
  3. 3 Find each behavior’s description and score (directly under the behavior’s description).
  4. 4 Go to the far right of the screen to see the overall score of the AWARE form.
  5. 5 Go back to the top of the page. Notice the associate’s name to the right of the hamburger menu. Click on it to go back to the associate’s Case screen.

Group Icon

View and Navigate an AWARE Form

Complete the tasks listed below in the training system. When you finish, return to this training page and move to the next task.

  • Open a completed AWARE form.
  • Use the hamburger menu to go to two AWARE competencies.
  • Collapse and expand two AWARE competencies.
  • Look at each competency’s summary score.
  • Find the overall score of the AWARE form.
  • Navigate back to the Case screen.