Edit a Milestone

You may edit any of a milestone’s fields as long as the milestone has not yet been approved. Once a development counselor approves the milestone, several fields will be locked and you will not be able to make any changes. These fields include:

  • Title
  • Note
  • Training Type

To edit a milestone:

  1. 1 Click on the milestone’s title (on the Milestones table).
  2. 2 Click on the Title and Note fields to edit them.
  3. 3 To modify the Start Date and Target Completion Date fields, click on the field, click on the calendar icon, and select the correct date.
  4. 4 To edit the Training Type field:
    • a. Hover over the field and click on the search icon.
    • b. Click on Look Up More Records.
    • c. On the Look Up Record screen, click on the X in the Search field to clear the field.
    • d. Scroll down to find a better category, and click the blank space to its left to select it.
    • e. Click on Add on the bottom of the Look Up Record screen.
  5. 5 To save changes, click on the small blue save icon at the bottom right of the screen.
  6. 6 Click on the close icon at the top right of the screen to return to the main Case screen.

Group Icon

Edit a Milestone

Complete the tasks listed below in the training system. When you finish, return to this training page and move to the next task.

  • Go to the Milestones and Action Steps section of an associate’s case.
  • In the Milestones table, click on an active milestone that has not yet been approved.
  • Edit three of its fields.
  • Save the milestone and go back to the main Case screen.