Add an Action Step Related to a Milestone

To add an action step related to a milestone:

  1. 1 Go to the Milestones and Action Steps section of the case.
  2. 2 In the Milestones table, click on the title of the milestone for which you would like to add an action step.
  3. 3 Scroll down to see the Associated Action Steps table (on the Milestone Information screen).
  4. 4 Click on the add sign to the right of the table. Note: You may not add an action step to a milestone that has not been saved. If you are working in a milestone you just created, save the milestone, and then the add sign next to the Associated Action Steps table will appear.
  5. 5 Type the title of the action step in the Action Step field.
  6. 6 Note that the Type field is set to Training. All action steps you create will be training action steps.
  7. 7 Click on the Note field and type any relevant notes.
  8. 8 Select a target due date (hover over and click on the Target Due Date field, click on the calendar icon, and click on a date).
  9. 9 Click on Save and Close at the top of the screen.
  10. 10 Verify that the action step has been added to the Associated Action Steps table (scroll down the Milestone Information screen if necessary).
  11. 11 To return to the main Case page, do one of the following:
    • a. Click on the browser's back arrow at the top of the screen.
    • b. Click on the associate’s name under Case.

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Add an Action Step Related to a Milestone

Complete the tasks listed below in the training system. When you finish, return to this training page and move to the next task.

  • Add an action step related to a milestone. Complete the following fields:
    • Action Step
    • Note
    • Target Due Date