Go to AWARE Forms

AWARE (Associate Work and Readiness Evaluation) information is essential to measure an associate’s progress in regards to work adjustment.

Job coach trainers will use this function regularly.

Development counselors will find it very helpful to regularly view this information for their caseload as well as review it with job coach trainers. Further, it will be helpful for development counselors to understand and practice the process of adding and editing an AWARE form.

To go to AWARE forms:

  1. 1 Go to the Milestones and Action Steps section (on the main Case screen) and expand it.
  2. 2 Scroll down to find the AWARE table.
  3. 3 View AWARE forms for this case in the table.
  4. 4 View the name, creation date, modification date, and overall score of AWARE forms. Note: You may find it helpful to sort by creation date so you can see the associate’s progress in the overall score.

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Go to AWARE Forms

Complete the tasks listed below in the training system. When you finish, return to this training page and move to the next task.

  • Find an associate’s AWARE information.
  • If there are existing AWARE forms in the table, look at the information and decide if the associate seems to be progressing based on the overall scores.