Go to Goals

You can use the Goals section to view, add, and edit an associate’s long-term and placement goals. These goals will show in and should influence the associate’s development plan.

To go to an associate’s goals:

  1. 1 Do one of the following on the Case page:
    • a. Scroll down and click on the Goals section heading to expand it.
    • b. Click on the Goals section in the hamburger menu.
  2. 2 If needed, scroll down the Case screen to view the section’s information.
  3. 3 View the associate’s long-term goal on the left and placement goal on the right.

Group Icon

Go to Goals

Complete the task listed below in the training system. When you finish, return to this training page and move to the next task.

  • Go to the Goals section of an associate’s case.
  • View the associate’s long-term and placement goals.