Enroll or Disqualify a Referral

To enroll or disqualify a referral:

  1. 1 On the dashboard, under My Active Referrals, click a name to view the referral information.
  2. 2 To enroll the associate, click Enroll at the top of the screen. Note: When you enroll an associate, the system automatically creates a contact and a case and schedules the initial development discussion meetings. The associate is removed from the referral list and is added to the contact and case lists.
    • a. The system checks for duplicate contacts. If it finds any matching contacts, it will list them. If any look like the same person, click the name and then click Select.
    • b. If the possible duplicates are not the same person, click Create New Contact.
  3. 3 To disqualify an associate, click Disqualify at the top of the screen.
    Note: Enter every bishop’s referral. If you are not enrolling an individual, disqualify him or her. When you disqualify an associate, the associate is added to the inactive or closed referral list. Disqualified associates cannot be reactivated. This is used to track referrals received but not enrolled.

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Enroll or Disqualify a Referral

Complete the tasks listed below in the training system. When you finish, return to this training page, and move to the next task.

  • On the dashboard, in the My Active Referrals table, click a referral name and enroll this referral.
  • Return to your dashboard to confirm the associate is now listed as a case in the Upcoming Quarterly Development Discussions list.
  • At the top, click the drop-down arrow next to Menu, and then click Referrals.
  • At the top left, click New, and create another new referral. This time, manually add the contact information instead of doing a member search. Enter the referral information and save it.
  • Return to your dashboard and select the referral you just created.
  • Disqualify this associate.
  • Return to your dashboard to confirm the associate is not listed as an active referral.