Create a Referral: Fill in the Information

On the Referral page, these icons have special meaning:

Key icon
  1. A key indicates that only individuals with a certain role can add that information. In this example, only a development counselor can select the program.
Red asterisk
  1. A red asterisk indicates required information.
Blue plus sign
  1. A blue plus sign indicates information that is needed before an associate can advance, either before they can be enrolled, or before the case can be released.
  1. 1 After filling in the referral contact information, complete the following information about the referral.
    • a. Source: The default for Source is “Walk-in with referral.” To change this field, hover over the field and click the search icon. Then select the correct option.
    • b. Bishop’s Authorization Received Date: Click the field, and then click the calendar icon to add the date you received the Bishop’s Authorization for Services form.
    • c. Referred By: For referrals created using the Member Search button, the Referred By field is automatically filled in with the bishop’s name. For other associates, enter the bishop’s name. Click the field, enter the first and last name (if you do not know the whole name, you can type part of a name with an asterisk [*] in the middle), and click the search icon.
    • d. Bishop’s Daytime Phone Number: If you know the bishop’s daytime phone number, click the field and enter it.
    • e. Local Unit: For referrals created using the Member Search button, the local unit is automatically filled in. For other associates, enter the local unit. Click the field, enter the ward name, and click the search icon. Note: Do not enter numbers. For example, to find “Ogden 5th Ward,” enter only “Ogden,” and click the search icon.
    • f. Location: Click the field and either enter part of the name and click the search icon or just click the search icon to select the correct location. Note: You should always initially select a Development Counseling Services unit in this field; if needed, you can make a change to this field before enrolling the associate.
    • g. Bishop’s Comments: Click the field and enter any comments from the Bishop’s Authorization for Services form.
    • h. Member: If you selected a member using Member Search, this is automatically set to Yes. If you created a contact, you can indicate No.
    • i. LDS Account ID: Click the field and enter the associate’s LDS Account username. If the associate does not have an LDS Account, help him or her to create one. The associate will need an account to see the associate portal. He or she must have an email address to get an LDS Account.
    • j. Native Language: Click the field and either enter part of the language name and click the search icon or just click the search icon. Click the language to select it. If the language is not listed, click Look Up More Records to see the complete list. On the Look Up Record screen, if there is something in the Search field, delete it and press Enter to refresh the list. Scroll through the list, click the white space to the left of the list item to select it, and click Add. Note: On this screen, do not click the list item itself. That opens another window about that list item.
    • k. English: Click the field, and then click the search icon to select the associate’s English proficiency if needed.
    • l. Employed in Last 12 Months: Select Yes or No. If Yes, fill in the hourly wage, enter the job type, and indicate if they had benefits.
    • m. Recommended Program: Click the field and either enter part of the program name and click the search icon or just click the search icon. Note: You should always initially select Development Counseling Services in this field; if needed, you can make a change to this field before enrolling the associate.
    • n. Development Counselor: Click the field, enter your name, click the search icon, and select yourself.
    • o. Initial Evaluation Completed: Click to indicate Yes. You cannot enroll the associate until this is completed. If you are not sure what is included in the initial evaluation, contact your manager.
    • p. Date Completed: Click the field, and then click the calendar icon and select the date.
    • q. Training Case Note: Click and add any recommendations. Note: Do not add clinical notes here as this note is transferred to the case and is viewable by anyone with access to the case.
    • r. Services Requested by Bishop: Check the services requested by the bishop on the Bishop’s Authorization for Services form.
    • s. Notes: You must save the record before you can enter these notes. This is an extra notes field where you can enter notes that are not transferred to the case. These notes are only viewable in the referral record by development counselors.
  2. 2 There are two possible places to save the record.
    • a. For a new referral, at the top left, click either Save or Save and Close.
    • b. For a previously saved referral, at the bottom right, click the save icon. Note: The system automatically saves changes every 30 seconds. If there is no “unsaved changes” message next to the icon, your changes have been automatically saved.

Group Icon

Create a Referral: Fill in the Information

Complete the tasks listed below in the training system. When you finish, return to this training page, and move to the next task.

  • Open a referral you have created where the contact information is already populated.
  • Enter the rest of the referral information.
  • Save the record.
  • At the top, click the drop-down arrow next to Menu, and then click Dashboards.
  • Verify that the referral is listed under My Active Referrals.