The Deseret Employment Case Management system (DECM) will provide many benefits that were not possible in the past.
- Every role has a customized dashboard.
Associate Information
- Everyone can edit the associate’s preferred name and phone number.
- You can use sticky notes to add notes that are not permanently saved as part of the case record and need no approval.
- Job coach trainers write fewer case notes and instead use sticky notes and success indicators.
- You may use success indicators for items other than just placements (such as a GED or a mission call).
- You can add clinical notes to a case note that are viewable only by other development counselors.
- You can associate an action step with a milestone.
- You can compare career and placement goals to actual placement.
- You can view the case’s AWARE statistics, entered by job coach trainers.
- Development discussions are automatically scheduled. In the future, appointments will have the capacity to sync with Outlook.
- A mobile version for easier on-the-job data entry will be available in the future.
- Data privacy and security have been increased.