Edit a Success Indicator

To edit a success indicator:

  1. 1 Go to the Success Indicators section of the case.
  2. 2 Click on the name of the success indicator you wish to edit.
  3. 3 To change the success indicator type:
    • a. Hover over the field and click on the search icon.
    • b. Click on Look Up More Records.
    • c. Click on the X to the right of the Search field. This will clear the Search field and allow you to look for more options.
    • d. Scroll through the listed options and click the blank space to the left of the best one to select it.

      Note: Do not click on the list item itself. That opens another window about that list item.
    • e. Click on Add at the bottom of the Look Up Record screen.
  4. 4 Edit or fill in the other fields shown on your screen as necessary. Remember that a red asterisk indicates required information.
    • a. To fill in most of these fields, click on the field and type in the information.
    • b. If the field shows a search icon, follow the instructions in steps 3a-3e above.
    • c. If the field requires a date:
      1. i. Click on the Date field.
      2. ii. Click on the calendar icon.
      3. iii. Click on the proper date.
  5. 5 Click on the save icon at the bottom right of the Success Indicator screen.
  6. 6 To return to the main Case screen, do one of the following:
    • a. Click on the browser's back arrow.
    • b. Click on the name under Case.

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Edit a Success Indicator

Complete the task listed below in the training system. When you finish, return to this training page, and move to the next task.

  • Edit the required fields of a success indicator on an associate’s case.