Edit a Contact

You can only edit an active contact (or a contact with an active case that is not closed). Fields may or may not be editable based on the following:

  • Everyone can edit the preferred name, preferred phone, most of the emergency contact information, and LDS Account ID.
  • Some fields are editable based on your role.

These icons have special meaning as you view and edit a contact:

Lock icon
  1. A lock indicates that you cannot edit this information. The information you can edit is based on your role.
Red asterisk
  1. A red asterisk indicates required information.
  1. 1 Click a field to edit it.
    • Contact Information: If needed, click on the fields to edit the preferred name or preferred phone number.
    • LDS Account ID: Click the field and enter the associate’s LDS Account username. If the associate does not have an LDS Account, help him or her to create one. The associate will need an LDS Account to see the associate portal. He or she must have an email address to get an LDS Account.
    • PeopleSoft ID: For a hired associate, click the field and enter the PeopleSoft ID number. Be sure to check that this number is entered correctly; if the number is incorrect, the DECM contact record will be tied to the wrong PeopleSoft record.
    • Emergency Contact: Enter the name and contact information. The Relationship, State/Province, and Country fields are search fields. Use the instructions below to select an item in those fields.
      • a. Click the field and either enter part of the name and click the search icon or just click the search icon.
      • b. Click the item (in this example, the state) to select it.
      • c. If the item is not listed, click Look Up More Records to see the complete list.
      • d. On the Look Up Record screen, if there is something in the Search field, delete it and press Enter to refresh the list. Scroll through the list, click the white space to the left of the list item to select it, and click Add.
      Note: On this screen, do not click the list item itself. That opens another window about that list item.
  2. 2 At the bottom right, click the blue save icon. Note: The system automatically saves changes every 30 seconds. If there is no “unsaved changes” message next to the save icon and the icon is gray, your changes have been automatically saved.
Blue save icon: unsaved changes
Gray icon: saved changes

Note: At the bottom of the Contact page under Details, you can click a case title to view case information.

Group Icon

Edit a Contact

Complete the tasks listed below in the training system. When you finish, return to this training page, and move to the next task.

  • Go to an associate’s Contact page.
  • Notice which fields have a lock icon and cannot be edited.
  • Notice which fields do not have a lock icon and can be edited.
  • Edit the preferred name, preferred phone number, and information for emergency contact 1.
  • If “unsaved changes” is displayed next to the save icon at the bottom right of the screen, click the save icon to save the changes.