Find a Referral

A referral is an individual who has been referred to Deseret Employment Services by a bishop. The individual may be a member of the LDS Church or not. The development counselor creates a referral record in DECM when he or she first meets with the individual. When the development counselor enrolls a referral, the system automatically creates a contact record (contact information for the associate), a case record (case details for the associate), and the initial weekly and quarterly development discussion meetings.

You can access a referral’s contact information from the referral record. There are two ways to find a referral: from the menu and from the dashboard.

From the Menu

  1. 1 At the top, click the drop-down arrow next to Menu, and then click Referrals.
  2. 2 You can click the drop-down arrow next to the table’s title to change the view if needed.
  3. 3 Search for a referral using one of the following methods:
    • a. In the search box at the top right, enter the person’s first name, an asterisk (*), and the last name. For example, enter “Dan* Johns” to search for “Daniel K. Johnsen,” “Dan Michael Johnson,” or “Danny L. Johnston.” Press Enter or click the search icon.
    • b. Click one of the alphabet letters at the bottom to list individuals whose first name starts with that letter.
  4. 4 Click an associate’s name to open the referral.

From the Dashboard

  1. 1 On the dashboard, under Referrals, click an associate’s name to open the referral.
  2. 2 When you have opened a referral, you can view the contact information on the left side.
  3. 3 To return to the dashboard, click DECM at the top of the screen.

Group Icon

Find a Referral

Complete the task listed below in the training system. When you finish, return to this training page and move to the next task.

  • On your dashboard, in the Referrals table, click an associate’s name. If there are no referrals listed in the table, click the drop-down arrow next to Menu, click Referrals, and click an associate’s name.
  • View the information that is displayed. Note the referral’s contact information.
  • Return to the dashboard.