
You can access your work either through a dashboard or through menu options.


When you log in to DECM, the first screen displayed is your dashboard. Your dashboard has three tables.

Not all tables may have items listed in them.

  • Referrals: This table lists referrals who have not yet been enrolled. The referral’s phone number and email are displayed for quick access.
  • Associates Missing PeopleSoft IDs: This table lists associates who are missing their PeopleSoft identification number. Click a name to open the contact information and add the PeopleSoft ID number.
  • Associates Missing Photos: This table lists associates who are missing a photo. Click a name to open the contact information and add a photo.

Tables display a set number of items. When there are more items than can be displayed at once, the numbers below the table on the left will indicate the total number of items in the list. The page number on the right will indicate what page is displayed.

    • To go to the next page of items, click the right arrow.
    • To return to the previous page of items, click the left arrow.
    • To jump back to the first page, click the left arrow on the far left.


You can find or access the following using the drop-down menu at the top of the screen:

  • Dashboards: This opens your dashboard.
  • Cases: This opens a screen listing cases.
  • Forms and Documents: This opens a list of forms and documents you can print.
  • Contacts: This opens a screen listing contacts.
  • Referrals: This opens a screen listing referrals.

Menu Ribbon

DECM Logo: Click the DECM logo to return to the dashboard.

Microsoft Logo: Do not use the logo to the left of DECM or the drop-down list to the right. These link to other Microsoft 365 applications.

Recently Viewed: In the top right corner, click the recently viewed items icon to see a list of recent views and recent records. Click on one of these recent views or records to quickly return to that screen.

The following table explains what the menu icons mean:

Forms and Documents

Add Sign and Filter Button: Do not use the add sign (+) next to the recently viewed items icon on the menu ribbon. Items added using this add sign do not connect to any contacts or cases. Also do not use the filter button next to the add sign on the menu ribbon.

Go Back to a Previous View

Return to a previous view through one of the following methods:

  • Use the browser's back arrow.
  • If a popup window is displayed, click the top right X to close the popup window (however, do not close the main DECM window).
  • Use the menu or the recently viewed items icon to return to a previous view.

Group Icon


Complete the tasks listed below in the training system. When you finish, return to this training page, and move to the next task.

  • If there is an item on a dashboard list, click it to view where it goes.
  • Click DECM on the top of the screen to return to the dashboard.
  • Click another dashboard list item.
  • Click the drop-down arrow next to Menu at the top of the screen, and select Dashboards to return to the dashboard.
  • At the top, click the drop-down arrow next to Menu, and select Cases.
  • Select one of the active case names, and view the case record.
  • In the General section of the case, note any icons, such as the key, lock, red asterisk, or blue add sign.
  • Scroll down to review all the sections associated with the case.
  • At the top, click the drop-down arrow next to Menu, and select Forms and Documents.
  • View the list of forms and documents available for you to print.
  • At the top, click the drop-down arrow next to Menu, and select Contacts.
  • Select one of the active contact names, and view the contact information.
  • At the top, click the drop-down arrow next to Menu, and select Referrals.
  • Select one of the active referral names, and view the referral information.
  • In the top right corner, click the recently viewed items icon.
  • Click one of the recent views or records to view that screen.
  • Return to your dashboard using the DECM home button.